Sunday, March 27, 2011

Vegan or Vegeterian Protein

OKAY A  common questions that vegans and vegetarians may ask is,  how do you get enough protein? Does this question really come up a lot? No but for those who are vegetarian and vegan it does. You especially definitely NEED it for those of us who regularly work out and tone up. I have have advised my clients to consume at least 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight on a strength training day. Even as a regular visitor at the gym, this ratio seems a bit excessive for any one who's not aiming to start a career as a body builder . However, it is important to provide your body with an ample amount of protein especially after an intense workout.
For those who are animal bi-product free there are many protein-packed and Cruel free protein Powders to choose from. Here are a few known name options, Pea-protein, Hemp Protein, Rice protein, Soy Protein, and a number of blends just to say the few. Honestly, the first time I looked at all the options that my local whole foods store had to offer, I became overwhelmed. Since then, I've tried a few different kinds, and as of right now, hemp and blends are at the top of my "favorite protein powders" list. Thanks to my Good Friend Morgan of Little House Of Veggies" Hemp Pro 70 has always filled me up and provides the amount of protein my body needs. Do to the "full" feeling it gives me, I'm not surprised to hear that hemp is one of the most complete plant based proteins. the taste for me with water or soy milk is all that because I don't find it to be very palatable on its own, So i mix it with Almond milk, yum changes the taste, your choice of course, this is just how I enjoy it after a work out, hemp protein it's such a high-quality option. And it tastes nutty and fabulous mixed in my oatmeal for an morning breakfast or snack!

Okay so those of you who know me,  I can't deny the fact that I have a pretty mean sweet tooth. I can't resist sugary-tasting treats, cup cakes behind closed doors Morgans specialty deserts, especially her cookies and if  they're actually good for me and if you're with me on this one, then protein blends are probably the way to go. Here is one I tend to really like myself even if I'm not a true vegan or vegetarian, Its Genuine health vegan proteins powder contains pea protein isolate, brown rice protein concentrate, cranberry protein, alfalfa protein concentrate, and hemp seed protein, this is direct from the label, so nothing missed. All those types of protein in there and yet this powder is simply so good, who would have thunk it would be so good, lol... When mixed in a smoothie you ask is it Kool-Aid? Is it some sort of Popsicle? I'm not sure, but whatever it is, I love it.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post! I love vegan protein blends that have pea prtoein in them also. And of course Hemp. I also stir hemp protein powder into my oatmeal every morning. Its good and flavorless to me. I LOVE Vega vegan protein blends and they look very similar to the ones you just listed. But pricey...I will have to try this one that you found for sure!!! :)
